Happy Birthday Grace!

Happy Birthday Grace!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

His lungs are getting stronger everyday.  He is down to 21% oxygen, which is what we all normally breath and is doing great.  They doubled the length of time for his 3 sessions breathing on his own and will do that each day until he is off the vent.  He gets to wear this awesome vest a few times a day that shakes him to loosen anything in his lungs :)  and then they use a "cough assist"...it's a machine that forces large breaths into his lungs and then sucks them out really fast, acting as a cough.  It brings up a lot and will hopefully keep him from needing another bronchostomy.  Assuming everything stays as clear as it has been, Saturday is the plan for the speaking valve. 

It sounds like they only plan on keeping him here for 10 to 14 more days and then they want to send him to a different rehab.  Burley if he is still on the vent or Idaho Falls (hopefully) if he is off the vent...everything is still very unclear. 

He is getting more feeling back in his legs which they say is a GREAT sign :)  He still has not been able to move below the waist but has feeling everywhere.  He still says it feels different than before but like it is "waking up."  They did some electrical stimulation of his legs today and exercises with his arms and legs.  His arm strength is getting better and the physical therapist says it is good that he does have some strength/movement in his fingers (to grasp) it just means that the muscles are weak.

He is working hard and completely exhausted tonight after a hard day's work.  Everyone here is very positive and they are all  excited about Danny's eagerness and progress.


  1. This is all good news....his strength and positive attitude are so amazing and sooooo Danny <3 Hugs to you both...thank you so much for the updates. <3

  2. We are all very proud of u Danny, and we all know how stubborn u can be and in this case it is a wonderful thing. You continue to be in my prayers. And if I wasn't in my current position I would be right there by ur side. Love u cuz and keep up the awesome work.
