Happy Birthday Grace!

Happy Birthday Grace!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Danny was pretty sedated yesterday.  They rolled him over onto his stomach for 8 hours to help his lungs drain.  They sound a little better everyday.  Right now that is the biggest issue.  We can't start working on anything else until they get his lungs cleared up.  He is back on his back this morning and breathing on his own.  They are going to sit him up in a chair around 10:30 this morning for a few hours.  He is progressing, it is just frustratingly slow. 

The doctors and nurses have been really good and patient (as I can be pretty trying to deal with at times).  He says they treat him well when I'm not here, which is a huge relief.  He smiled when I told him about my grouchiness with some of the nurses.  He seems like the quiet sweet one now :) 

They are getting him up now so will post again shortly...

1 comment:

  1. When they sit him up it should help his lungs oh I am sooo happy he's doin better!!!! I miss you guys I look across the street and it seems empty even tho his car is there:( I want to come and see him so bad give a hug for me and again hugs and kisses love u guys nikki oler
