- Sensory and Motor systems in the spinal cord are grouped together, therefore you can easily lose one or the other during an injury. Danny obviosly still has sensory in his lower half but we are still very unsure if he will have any motor. If one where to have to chose one or the other, sensory is the better one to have as individuals with paralysis do not die from not be able to move or walk but rather other health issues that may not be aware of because of the lack of feeling.
- Danny will have the speaking for 4 to 6 hours tomorrow in two hour increments.
- He will start swallow tests on Monday with the tube fooding to hopefully end by the end of the week and back on normal food!
- New rehab by the end of next week or beginning of the next assuming all goes well with trials this weekend and next week. Idaho Falls is sounding somewhat promising...we'll see :)
Everyday has it's ups and downs but overall every week has been better than the last. Danny has been very touched by all the kind words and help. We are SO thankful to all of our family, friends (present and past) who have helped us, both financially and with their service and open homes/lives. THANK YOU does not explain the gratitude we feel. You are each amazing and may your blessings be 100 fold.
Danny left his room for the first time since the accident today! It was a wheel around the hospital and it sure felt like a HUGE step. No vent, no tubes, no alarms...He was off the vent for most of the day today, only on tonight to rest. Saturday will be another 12 hours off the vent with the hope of being completely wiened by Monday. Danny is VERY eager and pushes the doctors and nurses everyday. He is staying very strong, hopeful, grateful, and positive despite all the variables we do not know. We have each other and the kids no matter what happens. What else matters?
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