I realize I often repeat myself from post to post, but I want to express again how thankful I am for our blessings. Although Danny probably would not verbally agree with me on this ever, I would not give up any of what Danny and I have been through if that meant losing the knowledge/enlightenments/lessons we have gained individually and as partners. We have made so many mistakes, collectively and individually, but we have also made so many 'non-mistakes'* (*I don't say 'good choices' because that implies that a mistake is bad) and each one has created who and where we are now (physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally).
I often speak before thinking as many (or maybe any) of you reading this might know. I also do not speak up when I should (such as apologizing). contradictory it seems, but me nonetheless. I recognize this fault, therefore, feel free to call me on it: please do. Help me mend my hurts and yours. Sometimes it might take or have taken a lot of time for me to see your perspective, but believe me I will keep at it until get it.
First of all I am thankful for and love my Heavenly Father & Mother, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost and I know they love me and no matter where I go from here, they will love me.
I am thankful for my immediate family. I love you Dad. I would not be me without you. You are an amazingly strong man and have always been an excellent Father, Dad, mentor, and friend. Your love has always been unconditional and know that mine for you will always be the same.
I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to have two amazing moms. Mom, I love you. Marcia, love you. There have been many times I would not/could not have "just kept swimming" without your presence in my life.
I love, admire, and am thankful for each and every member if Danny's family, no exceptions. I am not always kind to each and every member but that is due to my own weaknesses and they continue to love me anyway.