This is Raydene :)
We obviously made it home. Discharged June 13 and then back to Rexburg. My dad was kind enough to let us live in one of his rental units on 4th West and we have made a nice little home. Although we have some mobility issues here, it has definitely been a God send. Daily life at home compared to daily life in a hospital is obviously different and has been a definite adjustment. Therapies come to our home twice a week and we get some daily help from an aid. My job wasn't held for me but we are making do. I am home helping Danny and raising the kids...funny how life works. You spend your days wishing "if I only had this one thing everything would be ok" and then when you have what you prayed for you wish you had those things that you inherently had to give up for the answer to the last prayer...I hope I get a small reprieve from the lesson learning soon...
Paul told us on his first visit in June that our goal was for Danny to be standing for 30 seconds with the walker within 6 weeks and walking with it by October. We reached the first within 3 weeks and are now standing for 5 minutes and stepping. None of it is without assistance but it is ALL an improvement from what we were told back in March by the doctors...they were talking nursing homes back then...
We have enjoyed being home even with the challenges and especially enjoy the visits...sometimes friends to say hi or help with a plumbing, carpet, or moving problem, but we appreciate and enjoy each visit and would love to see more of you....going out to visit can become an issue when most homes aren't wheelchair accessible.
Daily life now consists of playing with the kids, personal issues related to the accident, doctor visits, LAUNDRY, and cleaning...BUT how can we many of us get to spend this amount of time with our spouse and kids? There's a trade off for everything. We are broke and humbled but more content with each other than ever before...